Thursday, May 14, 2009

odds n' ends

i've got a few rantecdotes i need to get off my chest. mostly generalizations about dutch people. and yes, L.B., i know that L.M. had a delightful time in amsterdam and met wonderful dutch people. i'm not saying wonderful dutch people don't exist. in fact, even i have met a few. this is for the few bad apples.

Dutch people don't understand queuing. Unless there is a sign specifying that you should line up at each ticket-window, it is perfectly reasonable (and typical) for one line to form, somewhere in the vicinity of the ticket-windows. It stands to reason that those people are queuing up for assistance from the person on the other side of the ticket-window. Ordinarily, the person at the front of the line will go to the ticket-window which next becomes available. Why then, do you persist in unfairly cutting the line? And why do people in the service-industry not enforce a fair and equal queuing? Who knows?

Example No. 1: When J.P. (and, J.P., you can back me up here), we went to Den Haag HS station to buy tickets to Amsterdam. Two ticket-windows, and a line forms somewhere in the center of the two. We are patiently waiting for our turn. The ticket-window on the left is un-occupied and then becomes occupied. In the meantime, a smug Dutch douchebag comes in to the ticket office and goes straight up to the now-free ticket-window person. Cutting ALL of the people waiting in line! And, what's worse, instead of pointing out the line that has formed for help, the woman at the ticket-window actually helps him, as though he is in the right. Of course, the other ticket-window person goes off to do something (because God forbid two ticket windows could be open at once, that would mean a Dutch person would actually be working) and then our entire line shifts left to stand at the place that douchebag is being helped. He shoots us a super-smug look as he leaves. It took a lot of self-control not to punch him in the groin and give him a clothesline. I was NOT about to let this unfairness pass. Oh no. We get up to the window and I point out to the woman that we were all waiting in line and that she helped someone who cut in front of us. I add that there is no indication that a line should form at each window. I am not going to let this go. The other Dutch people can stand around meekly and lament that this is just life in the Netherlands, but not me. The woman admits (weakly) that it's her fault for not making the process clear. Yeah? No shit sherlock!

Example No. 2: I went to the central public library today to do some work. I go sit on the third floor where there are three large tables with people studying or quietly using laptops. I find a spot and start reading. Shortly thereafter, a group of ferals arrives fresh out of juvie hall and they start being very loud and disruptive. They are louder than ought to be permitted in even a non-silent part of the library. It is a library, for *!?%'s sake! The rest of us exchange frustrated looks and shoot looks over to the offending group. They look back and don't lower their voices even an octave. Lame. Finally, I have had enough. The rest of the quiet people at the library tables aren't about to do anything. Leave it to me. I walk over to the loudest people at the group, and say in English: "Excuse me. There are a number of us trying to do work over here, could you please lower your voices. If you want to talk, maybe you should leave this area." One of them, smirking, says in English, "Sorry but I don't speak English." To which I reply, like !@&$ you don't. (ok, I really should not have dropped the F-bomb right then, but I did.). Then they start freaking on me and calling me names. One of them says, "learn to speak dutch." I have made my point, ineffectually, so I go sit down in my spot. A library employee walks by and doesn't nothing, even as they are loudly saying "@#$% you" to me. Ah, but of course. God forbid, he actually do his job! A while later a female library employee goes over to the group and tells them to quiet down. They do -- for about 30 seconds. So what does this have to do with queue etiquette? It is not getting any quieter as other groups of ferals come and go. People are openly talking loudly on cell phones. And people think North Americans are rude! As I leave the library, I wait at the librarian desk to let them know about the disruptives. There are 2 people working there, one is on the phone and the other is helping LP 1 (library patron). I am LP 2 and there is a LP 3 waiting behind me. I am standing at the lady librarian's side of the table. She looks like she'll be done soon. Whereas, LP 1 looks like he has a lot of questions. Lady librarian makes ZERO indication that she sees me (a living, breathing library patron standing right in front of her!). She puts the phone person on hold, and leaves the desk. Time elapses. I am tempted to leave without snitching on the ferals, but I can't do that. It just wouldn't be true to me. I wait. Then LP 1 leaves the desk to go to the stacks. I look hopefully at man librarian. He is doing something at his computer. I move over towards his station. Then man librarian holds up his hand at me and leaves the desk to go help LP 1 in the stacks! Now, LP 3 and I are loosely standing in front of each of the stations. I'm still closer to the one with the lady librarian. Man librarian returns and as I move over to be helped, LP 3 deftly moves farther to the left-hand side and TOTALLY CUTS IN FRONT OF ME! I can't believe it. Man librarian, of course, starts to help him. Even though HE SAW ME STANDING THERE EARLIER and motioned for me to wait. WTF!!! LP 2 has NO SHAME. Lady librarian comes back and picks up the phone. She's on the phone forever again. Now, LP 1 has returned to the desk. I've moved to the center of the two stations by now. There are 4 of us at the desk. LP 1 returned, standing closer to the lady librarian. LP 2 (me), LP 3, at the man librarian desk and LP 4 (who I smiled at and she totally looked through me. Hey, pick up a dictionary, look up the word smile. Try it.) Lady librarian puts down the phone AND (to my disbelief) gestures to LP 1 to come forward!!!! WTF! Of course, LP 1 goes to the desk and starts asking his question. Lady librarian doesn't even look at me. SHE SUCKS. They all SUCK. I look at LP 4 with a look that says, "step back, biatch, because i will cut YOU if you cut in front of me." LP 1 leaves the desk and I practically run to the lady librarian's station. I was going to point out that I was the first person in line and that TWO people were allowed to cut in front of me. But I decide that since I am complaining already, I shouldn't get on her bad-side. Once I started talking to her, she was very sympathetic to my problem. And said that she would make sure someone went over to keep an eye on the situation and would call security next time it happened. She also told me that there is a (crowded) area on floor 5 which is absolutely silent. Next time, I will go there.

I have to start a new post now, because this is super long already.


bhn said...

Sounds like Italy!

(p.s. it's Natalie from law school - Dea gave me the link)

Jennifer said...

Ok, a little late in backing you up: the infuriating thing was that the woman said it was her fault, but then excused the situation by saying she was helping us now. Well, that’s NICE that she helped us eventually, but JUSTICE of the UNIVERSE would’ve demanded that she help us in the order we’d arrived.

Bah. I really kind of wish I’d tripped that guy. Ultimately harmless, but would’ve been satisfying.