Thursday, May 14, 2009

a few more rantecdotes

This series of rantecdotes has to do with men in the Hague. Three incidents to report.

1. I was waiting to cross the street. A couple of guys in a service truck were stopped at the light. I made eye contact with the guy sitting nearest to me. I smiled, like normal people do. He took this as some kind of invitation to be sexually harassed. I get lewd gestures from him until the light finally turns. Of course, I shot him the finger. It was cold comfort.

2. I was walking home from P.S.'s and S.J.'s place. It's about midnight. I walk through one of the main streets through downtown. I feel perfectly safe and have walked this way many, many times with no incident. I see that coming towards me at some distance are two guys. They seem to just be walking past. I pay them no attention. As we come to the point where we would pass by one another, one of them steps in my way and screams AHHHHHHHHHHHH (as if to frighten me). I am startled. It was very quiet. Not many people are around. They continue to walk by. I turn around and say, "WTF is your problem, assface?" The guy that did the screaming proceeds to ask me "Wanna $%^*? Wanna $%^*?" over and over again. I am DISGUSTED. Assholes!

3. The last incident happened today. This one is something that has happened to me before. I walk past three Indian guys on my way to the library. They noticed me before. And know I'm Indian. And proceed to SING love songs in PUNJABI to me as I walked past them. I am LIVID. I can't stand it. I don't know why it bothers me much more when it's Indian guys, but it does. I think dark thoughts about them. And imagine someone (okay, me) throwing acid at their crotches. I don't cuss them out, however, because I have an irrational fear of engaging in any kind of contact with Indian men I don't know. A.B. knows about this -- he witnessed it when I went to Little India in Queen's and was sold a pirated copy of "Om Shanti Om". I just could not go back to return it. It's irrational. I can't explain it, probably deep-seated stuff.

P.S. Dutch people: Such long legs, such slow walkers. What gives?


Unknown said...

I used to want your life but now you're making me want to hide out in my living room with my kids and my (usually) gender-sensitive husband. Why must you be so cruel by showing me the harsh truth of your reality?

rxm said...

haha. yes, it's not all pastries and lattes here, let me tell you. in fact, at the moment, i would like to hide out in your living room with you and your family.