Monday, March 10, 2008

job offer: sight unseen

my roommate, K, went to the container store the other day (a veritable mecca of all things organizational and a wonderland of uselessly usefully useless plastic bins & sundry, many of which - overpriced & -hyped - fascinate me to no end). he offered to bring back/order something for me. my request was simple & written on a piece of paper. before i go further, i must note that K mentioned to me that i would be wise to add the item numbers corresponding to my desired items. moving on. toting my list, K went off to the container store. the container store has -- an aside -- a wondermachine that lets you walk around the store zapping the barcodes of things you want. it's like you are registering for your wedding, but you're not. you're choosing plastic bins & accrouements to organize your laundry room (don't have one? no problem. surely you have a gift-wrapping room.) it's magic. it is like being harry potter playing that sandwich game they play in those books (i read a sum total of one harry potter book, borrowed from C.H. & F.H.) - its some game that sounds like sandwich and cribbage. anyway, you know it. but whatevz. so when K returns triumphant, he hands me my list & tells me that one of the salespeople at the container store, upon seeing my list, offered me a job! sight unseen. apparently, so impressed by my list-making skills / penmanship (and no doubt in large part the impressiveness was enhanced by K's suggestion i add item numbers), i was offered a job. wowza. if only a job i want would come my way through such little effort. though a whopping 40% employee discount sounds tempting. K told the woman i have a job already, and she suggested that maybe i'd be looking for seasonal work. ideally, if i could work seasonally (only), i'd be delighted. but i think it will be tough to get a visa to work at the container store. just a smidge.

it's tough being a resident alien with no recourse to state funds & the ever-present potential of deportation.


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