Thursday, March 4, 2010

i'm back!

[I don't know what happened to me or where I went. I lost my way, perhaps. Anyway, I am back now. I hope I don't lose myself again.]

Teaching has been great. I'm really enjoying it and wish I were better at being on top of the lectures. There is just no way I can get through everything I think the course ought to cover, but I will do my best to get through as much as I can. Being back in Victoria hasn't been as strange as I thought it would be. Neither has being back at the law school. I'm not sure what I was expecting it to be like, but it's quite nice to be under-employed (the lack of an adequate pay-cheque part is not so nice).

I haven't been tearing up the fitness scene, like I had hoped I would. For the past month or so, I've been sick (to a greater or lesser degree). I'm finally feeling as though I have mostly kicked my strange flu/cold/sinusitis but am now feeling the wrath of seasonal allergies. Every year they get worse and every year they creep up earlier and earlier. They were bad enough in NYC, but here -- in the lushness of this green, green place a'bloomin' -- I am a goner.

Still, I live in a creaky big ol' house with bad electrical wiring and single-pane windows on top of a hill in an area bounded by the Pacific Ocean. Somehow, I think I can live with allergies.



JRB said...

Great to have you back. -J

Unknown said...

Hello again! We've missed you and are hoping to head out to that beautiful, lush, green world to share smiles and good times. (I'm thinking sometime this decade would be nice)

Anonymous said...

Yay, you're back.

Even though you're here in Vic, I like that you're also here on the internet :)