at first i figured it was just a wonky night of sleep, but now i don't know. maybe a combination of wonky sleep + poor posture + staring at computer (i think i need to make my workspace a bit more ergonomic. or a lot more ergonomic.) the weird thing is that j.m.'s neck was hurting a few days ago and m.r. says his was in similar shape a few weeks ago. strange coincidence. i'm quite certain that we don't have meningitis. gotta love webmd.
this gives me a much-needed blog break. so much to report. and photos!
mutant vegetables from my parents' garden:

28.10.09 (yes, news to report from last month!)
i decided to explore greenwich. m.r. and j.m. live in the no-man's-land between blackheath (in the borough of lewisham) & greenwich (in the borough of greenwich). i am still trying to figure out the borough / area within borough distinction -- little slow on the geographical uptake). walked through greenwich park, past the prime meridien (always get a kick out of how close i live to time) and down to cutty sark. today's task was to walk the greenwich foot tunnel which runs under the thames and connects greenwich to the isle of dogs (which i've heard doesn't have much to recommend it unless you want to go shiny shopping in canary wharf) (* shiny shopping i've termed shiny/glassy stores).
the tunnel used to be no-flash photography, but they've banned all photography in it, which i didn't realize until i took the elevator up and out the other side (sign in the elevator. elevator run by very nonchalant elevator operator), by which point i had already taken some photos. see below.
greenwich park / kids paddling pond

greenwich foot tunnel

a funny sign i found

They’ve cleaned it up a lot since I was last there. Back in the day, you couldn’t set foot on the streets with some itinerant peddler pushing ice cream on you.
yeah, i guess they went guiliani on all those itinerant ice-cream pushers!
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