Thursday, September 18, 2008

no shame, no blame right?

this is a link to an opinion piece on about the palin yahoo account emails that were hacked into and then circulated on gawker (and maybe other sites as well).

the indignation of many conservatives and bat-shit insane right-wing nuts who were unusually quiet when it was revealed that the US state apparatus was spying on its own citizens and violating any concept of their privacy or of those who justified such state incursions by such non-sensical bunk as "if you don't have anything to hide, you shouldn't be worried" is making me barf in my mouth.

please consider donating to planned parenthood's site "in honor of" sarah palin. they will send her a card informing her of your generous donation. the idea was written up on's broadsheet - where i saw it and went promptly to donate. (i don't get all my news from -- in case you were wondering -- i do mouthpiece them a lot though).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What do you really think? I've discovered, through following both the US and Canadian election campaigns, that the right-wing parties are very good at crying foul when their own blaming and disrespectful tactics are used against them.