Saturday, February 7, 2009

there's a new SHIG* in town!

SHIG = Scaldingly Hot Indian Guy.

His name is Paul Banwatt and he's a drummer in "The Rural Alberta Advantage". And if you haven't heard this band, step to it foo'!!

Their lead singer (Nils Edenloff) is a super-sweety from Deadmonton and sounds a bit like the frontman from Neutral Milk Hotel. And Amy Cole rocks the beats like yo' momma. Yes, f'reals. So please please please support RAA. How can a band with songs titled "The Dethbridge in Lethbridge" and "Frank, AB" not be amazing.

The concept is Stompin' Tom Canadiana (or in this case, Albertiana) lyrics ++ indie rock. The result, delicious.

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