Wednesday, July 29, 2009

weather report

vancouver is so disgustingly hot and humid. it's like nyc in the dead of heat. but one big difference is that people don't typically have air conditioning here. we're off to go find a portable unit for my parents. good lord, i'm melting. still here kicking it in surrey, awaiting news on my visa. any day now is what i've been told. i'm tiring of the idle life of living with parents and being a mooch. i'm already up to my eyeballs in work for AI, and it would be so much better to have a proper work-space. and to not be melting while i work. went to the public library near-by. it's a tiny little thing, their wifi was on the fritz and some guy was using a drill INSIDE the library. what the? i have to reread my last post to remember what i was going on about. am going to see "(500) days of summer" tomorrow. looking forward to it, in large part for the air conditioning. i am amazed that i spent SO long in nyc with no air conditioning unit. poor j.h. suffering along with me.

i am so aware that i'm not one of those "self-motivated" types who jump onto projects and get them done. i'm more of the need-a-deadline-and-without-one-i-will-procrastinate. that kind of throws working for myself out the door. unless working for myself entails being unemployed.

ok. off to find air conditioning.

will pick up where i left off, i sware. be patient with me. i have elbow sweat, ok.

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