Friday, May 2, 2008

when madness is nigh

signs you might be heading for a swift leap off the deep end:

(1) you've begun talking to your emails. case in point: in response to a "special invitation" from citi bank to consolidate my debt, i spoke out loud: "thanks but no thanks." why do i give the secretaries outside my office another reason to exchange knowing glances when i dare to leave the safe space of room 2937? indeed.

(2) my glasses purchasing assistance might spin off into a side business. first, i helped D.G. buy a stellar (even if i do say so myself) pair of eyeglasses from oliver peoples. then, i helped J.P. with the same, at the same place (at the very least, oliver peoples should be giving me a commission) and then, taking my mad skillz extra-jurisdiction, i helped J.F. look up pairs in victoria. wonder if he actually bought the one that A.C. and i signed on to. hmmm. J.F., what's the word? he puts J.P. and D.G. to shame in terms of eyeglasses purchasing indecision. he might as well start living at the opticians, since he passes by there about 6 times a day to try on the pairs they've set aside for him. i pray the place won't go out of business before he decides upon a pair.

that's the news. snot-nose is less snotty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You think I suffer from eyeglasses-purchasing indecision??? Hmph.