1. i came to work not realizing that the office was closed. i could swear that last year we didn't get a holiday for presidents' day. i knew it was presidents' day today, but i thought it was bidness-as-usual at the office. not so. as i exited the 4/5 train at bowling green, there did seem to be a lot less people around. which i chalked up to it being a holiday for everyone else, but me. but as i walked closer to my building, there did seem to be a quiet, calm, long weekend feeling in my midst. i walked into the lobby of the building and the lights were dimmer than usual and only a few people were around. granted, i was arriving to work at 11 am-ish (late even by nyc standards) and i didn't think much of the sparsely populated lobby. only when i got to my floor, noticed that the lights were off in the hallways and that all the doors to the offices were closed (including mine, which was closed & locked), did i realize that i had just come into work on the monday of a long weekend for no reason. i am now on my way back to the sunny outside world.
2. i saw my future sister-in-law, in the flesh, with her husband and child at a brunch-y place near my apartment. reason why i skipped into my (closed) office so late today is that i stopped at a place on vanderbilt to get some food before work. j.h. was with me. the third spot we stopped at was where we ended up eating. due to my horrible math skillz and j.h's attempts to explain to me that the amount i was leaving as a tip was not in fact 20% (as i so triumphantly thought), we lingered at our table well after finishing our meal. lucky me for not knowing math. in walked schmake schmyllenhaal's* sister, schmaggie. with her husband and their child. (p.s. their kid was wailing on & on about something; reassuring that even celebrities have unruly children).
* alternative spelling and pronunciation of my beloved's name and that of his sister are done to protect the innocent (namely, my beloved and his sister).
anyway, omg omg omg. omg omg omg.
sometimes it pays to (a) think you have a work day when you don't and (b) to have crap math skills. dividends.